airAlert service for Surrey


airAlert is a free service which sends ‘alerts’ to advise about forecast air pollution before it happens.

The airAlert service informs people with health conditions such as asthma, of episodes of poor air quality, to enable them to take preventative action before the air pollution event occurs..

What is airAlert-4-schools?

airAlert-4-schools is a service which supports young people with asthma, heart and lung conditions by sending alerts directly to schools prior to an episode of air pollution happening. If your school registers for the airAlert service we will send an email to reception or the relevant health support worker, to inform the school of an air pollution forecast. The airAlert contains the date, duration and type of forecast air pollution.

The schools can then take action by informing the children who have asthma or health conditions affected by poor air quality, and monitor their condition during the period of air pollution.

In addition schools can cascade the information to parents or guardians of those children affected.

If you would like to register your school for the airAlert service please go to the airAlert-4-schools registration page.

Key objectives of airAlert-4-schools service:

  • To protect young people from poor air quality by enabling them to prepare for episodes of air pollution before they occur.
  • To inform administrative and pastoral staff of forecast periods of air pollution to enable them to take action to protect vulnerable children in their school.
  • To establish an effective delivery service for health and environmental information for schools.
  • To engage young people and education professionals in understanding the harmful effects of air pollution on developing lungs.

Schools can register here for email alerts and are free to use our promotional poster here

For more information see:

Back to About airAlert


Current airAlert

Low airAlert icon No airAlerts are currently active for Surrey

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