airAlert service for Surrey


To register for the airAlert service please fill in the form below. Fields marked with a * are required.

For more information about when the airAlert is sent please go the When is an airAlert sent? page.

* Please read and agree to the Terms & Conditions before filling out this form.

Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice Summary:
  • Who we are: This service is run by Imperial College London on behalf of the Sussex Air Quality Partnership.
  • What we collect: The data in this form is used to run our alerting service. This includes contact details, and also includes age, address and postcode (optional). All personal data is stored in our database in encrypted format.
  • Who we share it with: We may pass encrypted details to an external researcher if you have selected to be contacted in the future. The researcher(s) and the research organisation will be selected by the Sussex Air Quality Partnership.
  • What are your rights? You can see and edit all your data by logging on to your account, and you can also suspend your account.

You can see the full privacy notice, along with terms and conditions, here.

Contact details
Personal details
To help us monitor the quality of our services and ensure fair access, we would be grateful if you could answer the following questions about yourself.

Is the service for you or are you a carer for someone else? *
You must be at least 13 years old to register for this service.
Please select: 

airAlert Service
Please choose the area you wish to register for: *
Please select local authority:
Delivery details
Please choose a username and password to access your airAlert account online:

Help iconUser names and passwords are case sensitive. This means the user name test1 is different to the user name Test1. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long. User names and passwords can contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, +, -, _, ., £, * and space. Any other characters e.g. ! or & will cause the user name or password to be rejected.


What town/area/district in Surrey do you want information for?


Complete ONE of the following. Telephone number or email address to receive airAlerts. If you want email confirmation then please supply your email address. *

(Home OR mobile. Please ensure the number given is not through a switchboard.)
Submit your registration
We are continually evaluating the service and we would like to know if we can contact you to ask your views on airAlert and the ways in which it can be improved. *

Please check all your details before submitting your registration for airAlert.


Current airAlert

Low airAlert icon No airAlerts are currently active for Surrey

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