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To register for the airAlert service please fill in the form below. Fields marked with a * are required. If you are a school official and wish to register the airAlert service for your school please go to the airAlert-4-schools registration page.
For more information about when the airAlert is sent please go the When is an airAlert sent? page.
* Please read and agree to the Terms & Conditions before filling out this form.
You can see the full privacy notice, along with terms and conditions, here.
User names and passwords are case sensitive. This means the user name test1 is different to the user name Test1. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long. User names and passwords can contain the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, +, -, _, ., £, * and space. Any other characters e.g. ! or & will cause the user name or password to be rejected.
airAlert provided by Sevenoaks District Council
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Android app
Copyright AirAlert 2019 | All Rights Reserved