airAlert service for Sussex

airAlert partners

Who's involved in the service?

The Sussex Air Quality Partnership established and manages the service with specialist support from partners in health information, research and technical support for the airAlert message service.

airAlert is supported by the members of the Sussex Air Quality Partnership

Technical and forecasting, message delivery, web services and support:

The Environmental Research Group (ERG) at Imperial College London designed and developed this web application and provide the technological expertise to forecast air pollution and send out the airAlerts. ERG is a leading provider of air quality information and research in the UK. The group provides daily updates of air pollution across Sussex and provides the airAlert web services and support on behalf of the Sussex Air Quality Partnership.

  • Current version 4.0: release date - June 2011.
  • Web design/.NET development: Sam Hope-Evans.
  • Database design/airAlert engine: Robert Hepburn.

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Current airAlert

Low airAlert icon No airAlerts are currently active for Sussex

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iPhone app Android app